Reliable partner

SIA "Berzins Investment Ltd." Is an experienced, stable and trusted company in real estate management and leasing as well as property developing has been operating since 1993.

Professional customer support

"Berzins Investment Ltd." Ltd. Employees always listens to client wishes. Being loyal and professional dealing with each client to find and individual solution.

About us

About us

“Berzins Investment Ltd” Ltd has a stable position and is one of the largest companies of this type in Latvia. “Berzins Investment Ltd” Ltd provide Real estate management and management services including full responsibility

  • for reconstruction and repair of real estate.
  • Real estate rental.
  • Utility and management services.
  • Legal documentation.
  • Payments collection.
  • The company successfully completed reconstruction projects for several buildings. The latest is located at 41 Mukusalas street in Riga – “European Trade Center”.       
  • Significant experience in real estate management and leasing has been gained by managing the largest premises of “Berzins Investment Ltd” Ltd, as well as in other objects we manage.


Ieva Kalniņa

Sadarboties ar šo uzņēmumu ir lieliska pieredze, draudzīga pieeja klientam  un izcila  apkalpošanas kvalitāte. Dažādi risinājumi ir pieejami, viss notiek operatīvi, klients ir noteikti pirmajā vietā!

Unicredit Leasing kolektīvs.

Vēlamies pateikties par kopēju sadarbību, kas ir izveidojusies ļoti cieša pateicoties ātram, kvalitatīvam darbam un jaukai attieksmei pret saviem klientiem.
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